Saturday, February 20, 2010

Macy Lugo Social Worker!!

It's been two months since I've graduated. I've done a few monumental things since then:
1. I've made homemade bread: White, cinnamon raisin, and oatmeal bread
2. Started 2 books . . . emphasis on started
3. Found several offers for free stuff in the mail
4. Thumbed through my Shape magazines
5. Developed a passion for my home work-out video that saves me a trip out in the freezing cold
6. Caught up on 3 and 1/2 years of missing sleep

Now that I've had a good winter's nap literally and figuratively, I feel like it's time to move on with my life. It's been so nice not to have homework or tests. I've got a chance to really relax. But I can only fart around for so long before I reach a point where it's time to find something else in my life.

So many of my goals are not quite happening. I don't know why, but it's so hard to study my Spanish textbook when I don't have any assignments. Or, it's hard to read a book, when I'd rather take a nap. I've had a short 2 month time-out in my life and it's time to start progression and working towards something.

My next goal is to become a licensed social worker. Today I almost reached my boiling point in the pharmacy. Too many people came in with problems that I just didn't care about. I realized today that I want to get a move on with my life and actually put my $20,000 degree to use. If I pass the four hour long test, then I have a few careers in mind:
1. School social work
2. Substance abuse prevention and treatment
3. Juvenile Correction Center (with the youth)
4. Child Protections Services
5. Mental Health
So there are my top 5 choices. Hopefully in two months from now I can officially be "Macy Lugo . . . SOCIAL WORKER!"


  1. I was just thinking about you and your degree... and now you put up a post! weird! I love you and I know that you will be able to make your dreams come true. and ill bet you can do it in 1 month .. you over-achiever... you :)

  2. Macy!!

    So great to hear about you.. Are you doing a great decition about your career !! I m a former social worker for Denver County Social Services and the world need more LDS Values..

    Enjoy this trip.....

    Bro & Sister Caprix

  3. How fun! You'd be AWESOME at any of those things.

    I'm jealous that you've had a bit of a break. Especially during the winter when life seems to always slump. So be happy you've rested.

    I'm so happy and proud of you, Mrs. College grad!

  4. I wwent on a six month drinking binge when I graduated! jk, jk, but seriously, I got paid to "play" for 11 months after I graduated, and now I'm working at Costco. You seem to be right on track!

  5. YAY!! I am so happy for you! Nice work on graduating! I am so jealous!! :)

  6. I always said there should be more Macys in the World! You go girl . . . you are going to make a difference in many people's lives! Love you, Mama
